Leading Causes of Home Accidents

While your home should be a safe sanctuary for your family,
accidents can happen. We believe that being forewarned is being forearmed. If
you don’t already have homeowners insurance, it is highly recommended as there
is liability insurance built in which can protect both your family and others
in the event of an accident.

  1. Falls are the leading cause of accidental deaths in the
    home, claiming nearly 6,000 lives per year. Making sure your home is up to code
    (using an InterNACHI-certified inspector) can reduce the possibility of
    accidents in the home by eliminating dangers.
  2. Poisonings come in second in leading causes of deaths around
    the home with nearly 5,000 victims per year. Medication overdoses top the
    causes of poisoning claiming mostly young and middle-aged people. Always follow
    directions and never mix prescriptions with alcohol.
  3. Burns are the third leading cause of accidental fatalities
    in the home with more than 3,000 deaths per year. Making sure you have properly
    working smoke alarms in every room and outside of every sleeping area will
    greatly reduce fire injury. Again, having a home that is up to code is huge for
    reducing fires in general with many accidental fires being caused by electrical
    outlet shorts, improperly maintained water heaters and furnaces, and burn outs.
  4.  Choking, suffocation,
    and strangulation claims nearly 1,000 individuals per year, mostly children.
    Keep all extras out of infants’ cribs as they can roll over and suffocate in
    their sleep. Even in older children’s beds, make sure anything they could
    possibly choke on is out of the bed before bedtime.
  5. Last but not least, is water-related deaths with nearly 800 mortalities
    annually. Children and the elderly are the most susceptible to this problem.
    annually. Children and the elderly are the most susceptible to this problem.
    There should be at least a 4-foot high fence around all pools, spas, and ponds in
    your backyard and children should always be within arm’s reach while playing
    around water. Even in the bathtub, children should never be left unattended as
    it is possible to drown in as little as one inch of water.

While accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, knowing
the risks, can help to prevent the unexpected. Call up Sweeney & Sweeney
today to get a quote, and to make sure you, your family, and friends are
completely covered.

Health Care Reform: Employer Mandate Delayed

The U.S. Government has announced that the employer mandate, one of the most significant portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will not be required until 2015. Under this provision, businesses with 50 or more full-time employees would have faced fines up to $3,000 per employee if they didn’t offer their employees affordable health insurance.

The one year delay is designed to accomplish 2 goals:

  • Allow the Government to consider ways to simplify the new reporting requirements consistent with the law.
  • Provide time to adapt health coverage and reporting systems while employers are moving forward with offering affordable coverage to their employees.

For more information you can click here and be directed to the Treasury Department’s website. Sweeney & Sweeney Insurance will continue to send out any updates that come along! And as always, feel free to call to talk to one of our Health Care Reform Certified Agents or make an appointment to come in with any questions or concerns.

Summer Energy-Saving Tips

In this summer heat, energy bills tend to sky rocket as you
struggle to keep your house cool. Don’t think there’s anything you can do to
keep the house comfortable without paying a fortune? Sweeney & Sweeney is
here to help! We’ve compiled a few tips to help you keep costs down all over
the place.

  • Turn off the AC whenever possible. I know for the last
    couple weeks it was staying unsleepably warm overnight, but now that the cooler
    temps are back, go ahead and flip off the AC on your way to bed and open up the
  • Cook outside as much as possible. Using the oven and stove
    just produces more heat that has nowhere to go, so it ends up just heating up
    your house even more. Plus, what’s more summer-y than grilling?
  • If you can, try putting up a clothes line outside and air
    dry your laundry instead of putting it through the dryer. Dryers can also heat
    up the house. This tip also lowers your electric bill because you’re not using
    the extra energy running the dryer!
  • Probably one of the cheapest ways you can keep your AC at
    top efficiency is by simply changing your filters. When these get dirty and
    clogged, it causes the AC to work harder and run longer. Filters can run as cheap
    as a few dollars so go ahead and change them regularly.

We all know how frustrating and expensive it can be to keep
the sweltering heat at bay out here, but we hope that these few tips help you
take some pressure off your wallet. Stay cool! -from everyone at here at Sweeney
& Sweeney hoping you have an enjoyable summer.

Blueberry-licious Benefits!

It’s National Blueberry Month! We all know that blueberries
are good for you, but do you really know just how beneficial they can be? There
are tons of amazing benefits to eating blueberries (other than they’re
delicious!). Just a half a cup a day can prevent many illnesses and even
reverse the effects of some diseases.

  • Check out this great recipe: 2c brown sugar, 2 tsp puréed
    blueberries, and 3 Tbsp lemon juice. The blueberries in this awesome facial
    scrub soften skin, the lemon juice brightens your complexion, while the sugar
  • Like cranberries, blueberries contain compounds that prevent
    bacteria from adhering to the walls of your bladder which can ward off UTI’s.
    If you get one, toss a handful of blueberries into your smoothie!
  • Did you know that blueberries can fight off cancer. Their
    anthocyanins attack cancer-causing free radicals and can even prevent the
    growth of tumor cells.
  • A study in England has suggested that blueberries can
    reverse age-related memory loss due to their being chock-full of flavonoids.

So in honor of National Blueberry Month, so out and
stock up! For some extra points, go check out a farmer’s market (such as Chico’s
Thursday Night Market) and get some locally grown organic blueberries so you
can also benefit our community and environment. Stay healthy and happy, from
everyone here at Sweeney & Sweeney!

4th of July Safety Tips for Pets


I know we’ve all been guilty of it at some time or another:
sneaking the pup scraps from our plate, taking them to see the fireworks with
us, and I’ve definitely seen more than a few of my friends slip some beer into
the dog’s dish. But these habits that you probably think are harmless, could
actually be detrimental to your furry friend.

  • Don’t let your pet get into the alcohol. Alcohol can poison
    animals and possibly lead to coma or even death due to respiratory failure.
  • Don’t put any non-pet-approved sunscreens or bug sprays on
    your canine companion. Ingestion of these chemicals can cause vomiting,
    diarrhea, lethargy, and DEET can lead to neurological problems.
  • Make sure all matches and lighter fluid is somewhere where your
    pets can’t get into them. Ingestion can cause difficulty breathing or even
    kidney disease.
  • Don’t feed your little one anything outside of their normal
    diet as it can cause them digestion problems (especially in older pets).
  • Keep all glow sticks away from your pets. Serious
    gastrointestinal irritation could occur from ingesting both the chemicals and
    the plastic.
  • Keep pets away from citronella candles and other insect
    repellent products as the inhalation of fumes can cause central nervous system
    depression and aspiration pneumonia.
  • Don’t take the pets around the fireworks. Whether you’re
    just setting little ones off in the streets, or watching the main event, they’re
    not good for your furry friends. Street sparklers and fireworks can lead to
    burns and other trauma and the big fireworks are too loud for their ears and
    can be antagonizing and scary.

It’s fine to want to share the festivities with your
four-legged buddies, but just keep these tips in mind to make sure that both of
you are having a good time all day and night. Sweeney & Sweeney wishes
everyone a happy and safe holiday. Happy Independence Day everyone!

Health Care Reform: Young Adults

As the country prepares for implementation of
the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a recent poll examined different age groups,
including young adults. The poll showed that a large majority of Americans want, and value, health insurance. Among the public overall, 87 % say it is “very
important” to them personally, 88% describe health insurance as “something I
need,” and 68% say insurance is worth the cost. This includes young adults, who
say health insurance is very important to them and that cost remains the biggest
barrier. Many young adults want health insurance, but struggle from
unemployment, employers not offering insurance, or getting coverage is just too expensive. With
the ACA coming into effect, more opportunities will be opened for young adults
to obtain affordable coverage. Large employers are required to offer coverage
to their full-time employees and tax credits are available for individuals
based off their gross income. Sweeney & Sweeney hopes the Affordable Care
Act will give people of all ages a peace of mind. We are aware of the struggles
and the cost restraints it brings to many people, which is why we are here to
help you through it

Health Care Reform: Small Business Tax Credits

In regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act, small employers (those who have less than 50 full-time equivalent employees
(FTE)) are not required to offer their employees health coverage. However, an
employer with 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees may be eligible for
incentives from the federal government to provide their employees with health


Many small employers do not realize they have the
opportunity to claim a federal income tax credit on their annual tax returns.
Unfortunately, a very low percentage of qualified business owners are taking
advantage of this credit. Here are the IRS guidelines to be eligible.

  1. The expenses that an employer can count towards the tax
    credit includes the premiums that are paid for each employee. The employer must
    contribute at least 50% of the cost of the health care coverage for employees.
  2.  Must have less than 25 FTE workers when totaling all
    individuals’ hours of employment.
  3.  Employers must pay their workers an average of less
    than $50,000 per year to qualify. The smaller and lower wage employers will
    receive a larger tax credit.

If your business meets these requirements, we encourage you
to contact a Health Care Reform Agent (such as our Health Department here at Sweeney & Sweeney) to verify your options and help you
calculate your eligibility of a tax credit.


Rainy Day Blues-be-Gone

Are you stuck at home with some bored kids? These rainy days
can be hard with the little ones unable to go out and play. Don’t fret! There are
plenty of fun rainy day activities to get involved in. Here are just a few
suggestions to get the creative juices flowing: 

  • Make homemade play dough – 1/4 cup salt, 1 cup flour, and 1/4
    cup water. Have your child mix the flour and salt in a bowl then add water.
    Knead and squeeze the dough to make a clay consistency. You may need to add
    more water. Ideas: Divide into sections, then knead in food coloring (liquid or
    paste). Kids love making the white play dough change colors. Use unsweetened
    Kool-Aid for color and scent. Add glitter for sparkly play dough.
  • Homemade putty – Just mix some cornstarch and water together until you get
    the right consistency. The same ideas apply for the play dough and in addition,
    if your kids are a little older, you can implement a mini physics lesson by
    explaining why the putty acts the way that it does.
  • Build a fort – get all of your chairs, couch cushions, and blankets
    together and you can build a tent for camping, a ship for oceanic adventures, a
    castle to be defended, etc. With a fort, the possibilities are endless!
  • Head over to the grocery store and ask for a box or two big enough to fit
    your kid(s), then when you get home … turn it into a racecar! Just decorating
    the box and turning it into a car can take a couple hours in and of itself then
    you can set up a track with other household items and hold races!

We hope these ideas help to keep your little ones occupied
and kick up the fun level on this gloomy day! We also know that stormy days can
bring accidents with them, so don’t hesitate to call us with your claim
reports, or even just your questions. 

Top Disability Claims

Disability claims happen all the time. However, knowledge is power! If you know what the most common types of claims are, it can help you to stay at work and affliction free. Each year Unum puts out a report about the top reasons for
both long-term disability and short-term disability claims. For 2012, they came
up with these results:

Long-term Disability

Cancer accounted for 16% of the LTD claims last year,
although many people are able to get into recovery and return to work.

Back pain disorders made up 15.1% of claims. Really
just a reminder to be careful and take care of their backs.

Injuries estimated 9.8% of last year’s LTD claims and
are the hardest claims to prevent.

Tied with injuries at 9.8%, is behaviourial health
claims which are not often covered under a traditional health plan. If you have
a family history, be sure to check with your health insurance representative
about coverage.

Circulatory disorders come in at 9% of all long-term
claims. We know we should be taking
better care of our hearts, but are you doing all that you need to be?

Short-term Disability

The number one short-term “disability” claim is
maternity. Normal, healthy pregnancies make up 18.9% of claims.

Injuries (non-back-related) also amass 10% of short-term
disabilities or nearly 14% of non-maternity-related claims.

8.4% of claims are due to pregnancy complications.

Kind of a surprising one, 8% of claims are related to
digestive problems. I suppose that’s just another reason to eat your fiber!

In addition to being number 3 reason for long-term
disability claims, back problems also come in at number 5 at 7.1% for short-term

Knowing what kinds of things lead to claims, can help
you avoid them. Some things are unavoidable, like pregnancy complications, but
most claims can be deflected by taking a little more care in your tasks, and
taking preventative measures. Everyone at Sweeney & Sweeney just wants you
to be happy, healthy, and safe. Call us today to find out how we can help you
save on all of your coverage!

Chase Away Summertime Boredom!

“Mom! I’m bored!” This is a phrase that you can hear echoing
all around you in the Summer months when school’s out. Younger kids and
teenagers alike seem to get bored pretty quickly once school’s no longer in
session and then you’re stuck with a bunch of stir crazy rugrats on your hands
that can make you want to pull your hair out. So to help you get some relief
and help them expel some of that excess energy, we’ve compiled a list of
activities for all of your children. 

  • Go to the library and get a few books on local
    plants and animals then go on a hike. Make up a prize for whoever can find the
    most plants/animals. I think this is a great idea because it’s exercise,
    learning, a treat, fresh air, and exploration all rolled into one, neat, cheap
  • Plant a garden! I think this project works the
    best with more than one child, have each kid plant their own little patch with
    2 or 3 plants and have it be their responsibility to take care of it.
    Responsibility makes kids feel good about themselves, and if you plant foods,
    the mature plants are their own reward. Make a whole dinner out of the fruits
    and veggies from your garden.
  • Have a water balloon fight! There is no one of any age who doesn’t love a good old
    fashioned water balloon fight. You can even use the popped balloon pieces for a
    craft! (Be sure you pick up
    piece of balloon as they can pose hazards for wildlife who eat the little
    pieces, mistaking them for food)
  • Teens often have a need to fill large chunks of
    time. For younger teens, volunteering at a local animal shelter, food bank,
    etc. You can also look into getting them a paper route as a way to make some
    extra spending money. For older teens, picking up a summer job is always a good
    way to earn some extra cash, build responsibility, and it’ll help them to start
    building a résumé even if they’re just mowing lawns or babysitting for
    neighbouring working parents.
  • Look into classes for your teens at your local
    YMCA or junior college. This is a great chance for them to take a class in
    something they’re really interested in like dance, cooking, language, sports,
    etc. Get them excited about their collegiate future and school in general! (This
    is also something you could do with your kids if your schedule allows

We hope these at least help stir the creative juices for
figuring out something to do to alleviate the summertime slag. From everyone
here at Sweeney & Sweeney, have a happy, fun, and safe summer!