Top 10 ACA Points You Should Know

Are you wondering what the different parts of the ACA really mean? Straight from Blue Shield, here are the top 10 key issues you should know about.

1. Guaranteed Issue – No one will be denied healthcare due to health, age, gender, or other issues including pre-existing conditions.

2. The Individual Mandate – All individuals will be required to have coverage that qualifies as the minimum essential by January 2014, or risk paying a tax penalty.

Ind. Mandate table

3. Grandfathered Plans – People who have healthcare plans that were in effect prior to March 23, 2010, can keep their plans if they want. The only caveat is they are not subject to the ACA’s requirements.

4. New Marketplaces – Marketplaces (Exchanges) have been created as a place for people to explore and compare different health plans. You can access this marketplace directly through brokers and individual carriers just as before.

5. Open Enrollment – This Open Enrollment period began on October 1, 2013 and ends March 31, 2014.

6. Essential Health Benefits – All non-grandfathered plans for individuals and small businesses will include the following 10 categories:

  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Emergency services
  • Hospitalization
  • Maternity and newborn care
  • Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioural health treatment
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services and devices
  • Laboratory services
  • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  • Pediatric services, including or and vision care

7. Metal Level Plans – All non-grandfathered health plans offered to individuals and small businesses will be required to provide coverage at a “metal level”—Platinum (90%), Gold (80%), Silver (70%), and Bronze (60%)—based on the actuarial value (E.g. With a gold plan, the Insured pays 20% of health care costs, while the plan covers 80%).

8. Federal Subsidies – Subsidies will be available starting 2014 for those whose annual income is between 134% and 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and who meet the guidelines. Subsidies will help lower the costs of both premiums and out-of-pocket costs. Those who fall less than 134% below the poverty level may be eligible for Medi-Cal. Tax credits will also continue to be available to small businesses with 25 or less full-time equivalent employees to help cover the costs of providing coverage.

9. ACA Taxes – Taxes covering the ACA will start January 1, 2014. Click here for a downloadable copy of the ACA tax fact sheet

10. Play-or-Pay – As of January 1, 2014, the ACA requires companies over a certain size to offer affordable health coverage to full-time employees and their dependents or face paying a penalty if an employee receives federally-subsidized coverage through the Exchange.


Health Care Reform: The Bill at a Glance

With the government also shutting down, I think many people have forgotten that Tuesday was also the start of Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act. I know many people have been confused about exactly what the ACA (A.K.A. Obamacare, PPACA, Health Care Reform) is. There has been much confusing media coverage, and people spreading around incorrect information. I just want to take a minute to give you a basic breakdown of what the bill entails.

  • No one will be turned down for coverage due to pre-existing conditions, any longer.
  • The age ceiling for young adults being covered on their parents’ health plans has been raised to 26.
  • You may have the ability to modify the way you pay for your coverage by adjusting your monthly premium payments with your deductible.
  • You may qualify for a premium tax credit.
  • Free preventative care.
  • Choose the best doctor for you within your plan.
  • Women’s health preventative care is also 100% covered.

These are just a few of the many new changes included with the Affordable Care Act. Call today to schedule your appointment to come in and get enrolled! We’ll help you find the best plan for you and your family or you and your employees! For more information on the Reform, check out our past blogs: Women’s Health Care, Pre-Existing Conditions, Improved Coverage Options, Q & A, Premium Assistance Calculation, Employer Mandate Delayed, Young Adults, Small Business Tax Credits, Individual Tax Credits, Getting Covered, Small Business, Health Insurance Plans at a Glance, Questions Answered, and many more.


Health Care Reform: Small Business Tax Credits

In regards to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act, small employers (those who have less than 50 full-time equivalent employees
(FTE)) are not required to offer their employees health coverage. However, an
employer with 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees may be eligible for
incentives from the federal government to provide their employees with health


Many small employers do not realize they have the
opportunity to claim a federal income tax credit on their annual tax returns.
Unfortunately, a very low percentage of qualified business owners are taking
advantage of this credit. Here are the IRS guidelines to be eligible.

  1. The expenses that an employer can count towards the tax
    credit includes the premiums that are paid for each employee. The employer must
    contribute at least 50% of the cost of the health care coverage for employees.
  2.  Must have less than 25 FTE workers when totaling all
    individuals’ hours of employment.
  3.  Employers must pay their workers an average of less
    than $50,000 per year to qualify. The smaller and lower wage employers will
    receive a larger tax credit.

If your business meets these requirements, we encourage you
to contact a Health Care Reform Agent (such as our Health Department here at Sweeney & Sweeney) to verify your options and help you
calculate your eligibility of a tax credit.


Health Care Reform: Individual Tax Credits

Tax credits are
available for individuals and families who meet certain income requirements and
don’t have access to affordable health coverage through their employer. Below
are some key points you should know about tax credits.

  • The size of the tax credit is
    based on a sliding scale, with those who make less money getting larger
    financial support to lower their cost of insurance.
  • Individuals and families who
    make between 138 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level- an
    individual making up to $44,680 and a family of four making up to $92,200,
    are those who are eligible for tax credits and subsidies.
  • Tax credits lower the cost of
    your premium and can be used when you enroll, you do not need to wait
    until you file a tax return at the end of the year.
  • Tax credits are paid to your health plan monthly
    by the federal government.

In addition, as always, with any questions you have about Health Care Reform and what that can mean for your family, yourself, or your business, please feel free to either call or set up a meeting at Sweeney & Sweeney and Cheryl, Jamie, Dan, Shannon, Ellen, and/or John would be more than happy to assist with any concerns.