Holiday Treats and Toys!
Looking for a cute new way to spruce up the normal Christmas decorations and treats? Look no further! We’ve compiled a few cute ideas to get you started on your creative, DIY journey this holiday.
Rice Krispie Christmas Tree – Just some green food dye and M&Ms make a pretty cute—and tasty—display.
Christmas Tree Appetizers – Some guac or coloured humus on a cut of pita bread sprinkled with chopped veggies. Adorable and yummy!
Christmas-shaped Treats – Use cookie cutters to pour fudge and brownies into for festive shapes!
Easy Frosting – Pick up some cheap condiment containers at your local restaurant supply store to store frosting in for easier frosting dispensary!
Fun for the Kiddos – Make some snow slime!
Snow Men Cookies – Just a couple circle pretzels, fruit roll-up pieces, and frosting for this cutesy holiday treat!
Candy Sleighs – Looking for cheap, easy gifts for your kid’s classmates and/or teachers?
Whipped Cream Shapes – These are just a cute, easy way to glam up some boring hot coco. Make up a batch of whipped cream, spread it out on a cookie sheet, stick some cookie cutters in there, and pop it in the freezer. Then presto! Not only do they help cool down your coco, but it’s darn cute.
Cookie boxes – Plastic wrap and aluminum foil boxes make great boxes for gifting cookies!
Easy DIY Holiday Nails – Probably the easiest nail art in the world, even if you’re as inept as I am!
Hope these little treats help to make your holiday a little brighter and even more fun. Everyone here at Sweeney & Sweeney is wishing you a wonderful and safe Holiday!