Getting the Right Coverage with High Value Home Insurance

Are you in the fortunate position that your hard work has paid off to the extent that you now own property valued at millions of dollars? Perhaps you have acres of land and a luxurious lifestyle too? Congratulations!  However, an ordinary homeowner’s policy is unlikely to be able to meet your needs and you should consider high value home insurance.

People with homes valued at over $1 million may have unique security needs and insurance risks which might be met best through a customized solution. High value home insurance may be structured to include coverage for homes in earthquake zones as well as fire-prone and coastal areas. Policy options are generally flexible and at this level of financial value, may be tailored to include:

  • Significant private collections (e.g. wine, art, jewelry)
  • Wildfire
  • The cost of security checks for domestic staff
  • Possible discounts on the cost of high security measures
  • Kidnap and ransom insurance

Maybe you could afford to replace your home and possessions if necessary but why risk it when comprehensive insurance is readily available? Discreet professional specialists in high value home insurance can help tailor a policy to your precise needs.
