Avoid Colorida Business Insurance Claims By Reducing Risks!

Slip and fall accidents are
a common cause of claims on business liability insurance and can be potentially
very costly for business owners. Having good liability coverage as part of your
Colorida business
plan will help protect you financially, but spending some
time and money on reducing the risks is a better option than spending time and
effort filing a mountain of liability insurance claims.

Some ways to help reduce
the risk of slips, trips and falls in your business include:

  • Maintaining good lighting,
    particularly in exits, stairs and areas where there may be floor level changes.
  • Ensuring steps, landings
    and handrails are well maintained.
  • Making sure stair treads
    are of uniform height and width.
  • Keeping premises free of
    clutter or tripping hazards.
  • Checking floor coverings to
    ensure that they are smooth and any mats or surfaces are slip resistant.
  • Taking extra care in wet
    weather when floors may be extra slippery and make sure you mop up any spills
  • Considering installing
    security cameras as a measure of protection against fraudulent claims.

Make sure your staff
members know what to do if someone has a fall at your business. People who feel
they have been well looked after are less likely to make complaints and/or
liability claims. Regularly evaluating potential hazards may help to minimize
the risk of accidents and don’t forget to make sure you have sufficient
liability coverage when you are putting your Colorida business insurance plan together. At Sweeney &
Sweeney Insurance and Financial Services, we can help you iron out all the