
Did you know your standard homeowners, mobile home owners, condo, or renters insurance does not include coverage for damages caused from an earthquake?  You’re not alone; most people do not know that they are not protected if an earthquake were to damage their home.  More often than not people assume that their residential insurance is protecting them if an earthquake does happen.

Similar to flood insuranceearthquake insurance must be purchased separately.  Residential property insurers in California are required to offer earthquake coverage to policyholders.  Most companies choose to become CEA (California Earthquake Authority) participating companies and offer the CEA policies as opposed to managing the risk themselves. 

Although earthquakes aren’t common in Chico and our surrounding areas, Mother Nature has done some pretty weird things in the past few years. Now more than ever, is the perfect time to sit down with Sweeney & Sweeney to review your home, condo, mobile home, or renter’s policy, and determine if earthquake protection is right for you.

The cost of having your property insured by CEA insurance varies by your location’s risk of damage, but peace-of-mind is always priceless. Here at Sweeney & Sweeney we have a multitude of carriers that provide earthquake insurance, and we’re always ready to help you find the protection you want and need. Contact us today!